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Learn about our products for businesses:


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Progetto Imprese

Il finanziamento chirografario a medio-lungo termine a misura di PMI

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SMEs Instant Cash

Loans of up to €50,000 for existing Banca Progetto customers. In just a few hours you can get support for your liquidity needs.


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Tax credits

Banca Progetto's proposal for the definitive disinvestment of the VAT credits of Italian SMEs

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Assignment With Recourse

For SMEs that need to unblock trade receivables due from their customers

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Assignment Without Recourse

For SMEs that need to improve their net financial position by allowing the deconsolidation of credits from the balance sheet in compliance with IAS.

Per maggiori informazioni consulta i fogli informativi alla sezione Trasparenza

Professionalism and experience serving businesses

At Banca Progetto, we aim to support businesses in their growth and consolidation by collaborating with management, participating in value creation, and supporting competitiveness requirements. Numerous small and medium-sized businesses from different sectors have already relied on us, placing their trust in Banca Progetto and inspiring us towards continuous improvement.

Opportunities and calls for tenders

Banca Progetto offers an information service on NRRP calls for tenders through the site appaltipnrr.it.
It is a portal dedicated for companies to take advantage of all the opportunities of the plan. It’s a free service!

Banca Progetto is near you with agents nationwide

The professionalism and experience of the Banca Progetto team is one of the main strengths on which we have built the company we represent today: in this regard, our sales network consists exclusively of employees registered with the OAM (Organismo degli Agenti e dei Mediatori [agents and brokers body]), who are able to provide the Customer with qualified advice.
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2022 Banca Progetto S.p.A. - Registered Office and General Management in Milan, Via Bocchetto, 6, 20123 Tax Code, VAT No. and Registration Number with the Milan Register of Companies 02261070136 - Member of the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi [Interbank Deposit Protection Fund], the Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia [National Guarantee Fund] and the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario [Banking and Financial Arbitrator] (ABF) - Registered with the Banks Register under No. 5332 - ABI [Italian Banking Association] Code 5015 Share Capital € 10,404,418.17 fully paid up