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Emergency weather events in the municipalities of Cenadi, Cortale, Curinga, Jacurso, Lamezia Terme, Maida and San Pietro a Maida in the province of Catanzaro, etc.: initiatives to support customers

Banca Progetto is standing by its customers Banca Progetto is at the side of its customersBanca Progetto is at the side of its customers to overcome the emergency resulting from the exceptional meteorological events that occurred between 19 and 21 October 2024 in the municipalities of Cenadi, Cortale, Curinga, Jacurso, Lamezia Terme, Maida and San Pietro a Maida in the province of Catanzaro and the municipalities of Ferruzzano, Locri and Montebello Jonico, a beautiful metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, by activating the measures required by law.

Banca Progetto has implemented the measures provided for by the Ordinance of the Head of the Civil Protection Department (OCDPC) of January 3, 2025, no. 1.125, published on the website of the Department of Civil Protection, regarding the suspension of payment of installments, following the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 9, 2024, with which a state of emergency was declared for 12 months from the date of the resolution.

In particular, Article 9 ("Suspension of Mortgages") of the first Ordinance has stipulated that the aforementioned event constitutes force majeure within the meaning and effects of Article 1218 of the Civil Code.

In this regard, it is also provided that mortgage holders related to evacuated buildings or engaged in commercial, economic, or agricultural activities carried out in the same buildings, upon submission of a self-certification of the damage suffered, have the right to request credit and banking institutions, until the habitability or usability of the aforementioned property and in any case no later than the cessation date of the state of emergency (December 9, 2025), a suspension of mortgage payments, choosing between:

  • the suspension of the entire installment

  • the suspension of only the principal amount

Customers can therefore request the suspension of payment from the Bank by submitting the corresponding request (see Annex 1) accompanied by a self-certification made in accordance with Presidential Decree of December 28, 2000, no. 445, and subsequent amendments (see Self-Certification Annex).

The total amount suspended must be repaid to the Bank without any additional charges or costs in terms of fees or processing expenses. The maturity date of the mortgage will be extended for a period corresponding to the suspension period.

In the case of the suspension of only the principal portion, the borrower will pay the Bank, for the duration of the suspension months, an installment consisting only of calculated interest, based on the remaining principal debt, at the interest rate and according to the terms provided in the contract.

In the case of the suspension of the entire installment (principal portion + interest portion), the accrued and potentially suspended interest during the period, which is not productive of additional interest, will be divided into equal installments and added to the subsequent due installments, and will be entirely due in the event of loan termination or refinancing.

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2022 Banca Progetto S.p.A. - Registered Office and General Management in Milan, Via Bocchetto, 6, 20123 Tax Code, VAT No. and Registration Number with the Milan Register of Companies 02261070136 - Member of the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi [Interbank Deposit Protection Fund], the Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia [National Guarantee Fund] and the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario [Banking and Financial Arbitrator] (ABF) - Registered with the Banks Register under No. 5332 - ABI [Italian Banking Association] Code 5015 Share Capital € 10,404,418.17 fully paid up