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6.300 +

businesses supported to achieve goals

€5,5bn +

amounts loaned to individuals and businesses

105.000 +

private customers
Data as of 12/31/2023

The Bank that supports the needs of SMEs and individuals

Banca Progetto S.p.A. operates in the Italian and international markets offering products to businesses and families. From offices in Milan and Rome, through a nationwide sales network and a avant-garde technological infrastructure, it covers the credit needs of Italian SMEs and supports private clients with innovative digital solutions.

Products for individuals

Our tailor-made offer for all our clients. Deposit accounts, checking accounts, debit cards, and innovative products designed to help individuals and families carry out small and large projects and simplify the management of their savings.

Basic account

Current account with limited functionality dedicated to those who do not have other payment accounts.


Loans with instant approval, disbursed within 48 hours

Conto Progetto

The fee-free deposit account and no time limit, a secure choice to grow your savings.

Salary-backed Loan

Loans reserved for public and private state employees

Delegation of Payment

To be paired with a salary-backed loan thus creating a loan with monthly installments of up to two-fifths of salary

End-of-service treatment

Fixed-rate loans intended for all retired Public and State Employees

Conto Key

The interest-bearing, costum made current account to manage your savings

Products for businesses

We support your ideas and future plans with fast and flexible credit solutions for your business: Guarantee Fund-assisted loans, Tax Credits Consulting, Liquidity through Dynamic Discounting and Factoring, Non-recourse assignment of VAT credits.


Medium- to long-term loans for investment in your business. Repayment up to 96 months.


Liquidity loans suited to your needs, with repayment in 48 months, and public guarantee.

SMEs Instant Cash

Loans of up to €50,000 for existing Banca Progetto customers. In just a few hours you can get support for your liquidity needs.

Tax credits

Banca Progetto's proposal for the definitive disinvestment of the VAT credits of Italian SMEs

Assignment With Recourse

For SMEs that need to unblock trade receivables due from their customers

Assignment Without Recourse

For SMEs that need to improve their net financial position by allowing the deconsolidation of credits from the balance sheet in compliance with IAS.

What's new at Banca Progetto


Banca Progetto: Consiglio di Amministrazione

Milan, February 26, 2025 – Banca Progetto announces that during the Board of Directors meeting held today, Paolo Fiorentino submitted his resignation for...
Banca Progetto: Consiglio di Amministrazione

Comunicato Stampa 18 dicembre 2024

PRESS RELEASEMilan, December 18, 2024 – The Board of Directors of Banca Progetto, meeting today under the chairmanship of Massimo Capuano, acknowledged the...
Comunicato Stampa 18 dicembre 2024

Comunicato Stampa 5 novembre 2024

Milan, November, 5 2024 – Banca Progetto Spa, in relation to press reports circulated today concerning investigations by the Brescia Finance Police, specifies...
Comunicato Stampa 5 novembre 2024

Banca Progetto: Consiglio di Amministrazione Straordinario

Milano, 29 ottobre 2024 – Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Banca Progetto è stato convocato in via straordinaria (alla presenza del Collegio Sindacale e...
Banca Progetto: Consiglio di Amministrazione Straordinario

Comunicato Stampa 24 ottobre 2024

Banca Progetto Spa (the “Bank”), in reference to some erroneous news reports circulated today, deems it necessary to clarify that the Bank is not under special...
Comunicato Stampa 24 ottobre 2024

Oaktree annuncia la cessione di Banca Progetto a Centerbridge

Milano, 04 Settembre 2024BPL HoldCo, società detenuta da fondi gestiti da Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) ha firmato un accordo vincolante per la...
Oaktree annuncia la cessione di Banca Progetto a Centerbridge

Our Values

We always place at the core of our values commitment to people, respect for human rights, attention to working conditions, continuous improvement of the business environment, work-life balance, gender equality, rejection of all forms of discrimination and intimidation, and collective well-being: we aspire to become an increasingly inclusive workplace in which everyone is free to express themselves and feels their opinion valued. This, for us, is the prerequisite for achieving excellent sustainable results.

Our management


Paolo Fiorentino

Chief Executive Officer


Claudio Caputo

Chief Financial Officer


Carolina Kowalczuk

Head of Internal Audit Department


Alessandro La Pergola

Chief Operating Officer


Claudio Minerdo

Head of Human Resources, Governance and External Relations Department


Massimo Petraglia

Head of Legal, Compliance and Corporate Department


Giuseppe Pignatelli

Businesses Division Manager


Roberto Russo

Chief Risk Officer

Partnership and membership

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The skills we look for

We are always on the lookout for talent with great expertise, creative skills, and lateral thinking. We are a fast-growing business where ideas are encouraged and team spirit enhanced.Find open positions on our LinkedIn page and apply freely to join our team.


Via Bocchetto 6,
20123, Milan MI


Piazza San Bernardo, 101
00187 Rome RM

Palermo - representative office

Via Mazzini 22,
90139 Palermo PA

Napoli - Ufficio di rappresentanza

c/o Centro Direzionale,
80143 Napoli NA, Isola E2, scala B
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2022 Banca Progetto S.p.A. - Registered Office and General Management in Milan, Via Bocchetto, 6, 20123 Tax Code, VAT No. and Registration Number with the Milan Register of Companies 02261070136 - Member of the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi [Interbank Deposit Protection Fund], the Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia [National Guarantee Fund] and the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario [Banking and Financial Arbitrator] (ABF) - Registered with the Banks Register under No. 5332 - ABI [Italian Banking Association] Code 5015 Share Capital € 10,404,418.17 fully paid up